İngilis dilini Qadınlar.Bizdə öyrənək (Online exam)

Müəllif: Narın Yağış
Şərhlər: 3
Baxılıb: 3 206
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Hörmətli ingilis dilini öyrənən həvəskarlar!
HƏR 8 dərsdən sonra keçilənləri təkrarr etmək üçün sizlərə sınaq imtahanı keçirəm
Buyurun ilk sınaq imtahanının suallarını cavablandırın

Tapşırıq 1. "About myself”  (Özünüz haqqda inşa yazın. Minimum 10 cümlə ilə)

Tapşırıq 2. Aşağıdakı cümlələri tərcümə edin:
Onun uşaqları məktəbdədir.
Bu gün istidir.
Kanada böyük ölkədir.
Tennis mənim sevimli idmanımdır.
Bu boşqablar təmiz deyil.

Tapşırıq 3. Yiyəlik əvəzliklərindən uyğun gələn birini bosh yere yazin:
Do you like ..... job? (your) (nümunə)
I know Mr. Watson but I don’t know ..... wife.
Mr and Mrs Baker live in London. .... son lives in Australia.
We are going to have a party. We are going to invite all ... friends.
Ann is going out with .... friends this evening.
Is that .... car? No, I haven’t got a car.
Do you think most people are happy in .... jobs?
This is a beautiful tree. ...... leaves  are beautiful colour.
I want to phone Ann. Do you know ..... phone number?

Tapşırıq 4
Part I

a)Tom is doctor.
b)Tom is a doctor.
c)Tom a doctor.

a)Merve is a Turkish.
b)Merve is Turkey.
c)Merve is Turkish.

a)Mary is a secretary.
b)Mary secretary.
c)Mary a secretary.

a)Lucy is Canadian.
b)Lucy is an Canadian.
c)Lucy is from Canadian.

a)Tim American.
b)Tim is an American.
c)Tim is a American.

a)I am teacher.
b)I am a teacher.
c)I is a teacher.

Part II

a)She is at the kitchen.
b)She is to the kitchen.
c)She is in the kitchen.

a)Paul is in the living room.
b)Paul is at the living room.
c)Paul is on the living room.

a)They is home.
b)They are at home.
c)They are in home.

a)We're is in the kitchen.
b)We're is at the kitchen.
c)We're in the kitchen.

a)Where is you?
b)Where are you?
c)Where you are?

a)I'm in work.
b)I at work.
c)I'm at work.

Part III

a)She is my sister.
b)She is mine sister.
c)She is me sister.

a)It is is she book.
b)It is her book.
c)It is hers book.

a)Where is you car?
b)Where is your car?
c)Where is yours car?

a)Tom is in his room.
b)Tom is in he room.
c)Tom in his room.

a)Where are yours gloves?
b)Where are your gloves?
c)Where is your gloves?

a)It is she dog.
b)It is her dog.
c)It her dog.

Part IV

a)Whose shoes is that?
b)Whose shoes are these?
c)Whose shoes are that?

a)Yes, he American.
b)Yes, he are American.
c)Yes, he's American.

a)Is he in the kitchen?
b)He is in the kitchen?
c)He's in the kitchen?

a)She is nineteen years.
b)She is nineteen year old.
c)She is nineteen years old.

a)My address 234 Main Street.
b)Mine address is 234 Main Street.
c)My address is 234 Main Street.

a)They is at home?
b)Are they at home?
c)They are at home?

Part V

a)That are my clothes.
b)This is my clothes.
c)These are my clothes.

a)Whose pen is this?
b)Whose pen is these?
c)Whose pen this is?

a)The men is in the room.
b)The men are in the room.
c)The man are in the room.

a)Two woman is here.
b)Two women is here.
c)Two women are here

a)Is wallet this yours?
b)Is this your wallet?
c)Is this wallet your?

a)No, I'm not.
b)No, I not.
c)No, I'm isn't.
P.S Tapşırıqları şərh vasitəsilə yazın Doğru cavabları 3 gün ərzində şərh vasitəsilə qeyd edəcəm
(səs: 0)
Şərhlər: 3
Baxılıb: 3 206
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