İngilis dili dərsləri (24. dərs)

Müəllif: Catwoman666
Şərhlər: 2
Baxılıb: 2 092
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(səs: 1)

Used to do...

Əvvəlcə misallara baxaq:

Dave used to work in a factory. Now he works in a supermarket.
Dave used to work in a factory = he worked in a factory before but he doesn't work there now.

Used to do ifadəsi keçmişdə bir qayda olaraq edilmiş, lakin indi edilməyən hərəkətləri ifadə edir:

  • When I was a child, I used to like chocolate.
  • used to read a lot of books but I don't read much these days.
  • Liz has got short hair now but it used to be very long.
  • They used to live in the same street as us, so we often used to see them. But we don't see them very often these days.
  • Ann used to have a piano but she sold it a few years ago.

İnkar forması I didn't use to şəklindədir:

When I was a child I didn't use to like tomatoes.

Sual forması did you use to şəklindədir:

Where did you use to live before you came here?

Used to do ifadəsin yalnız keçmiş zamanda işlətmək olar:

  • used to play tennis. These days I play golf. ('I use to play golf' -- yox)
  • We usually get up early. ('We use to get up early.' -- yox)


Şəkilçilər sözün sonunda işlənirlər və yeni sözün mənasını anlamağa kömək edirlər. Aşağıda bəzi ümumişlək şəkilçilərə aid misallara baxaq:




er, or (noun)


worker, swimmer, instructor

er, or (noun)

machine, thing

cooker, word processor

ful (adjective)

full of

useful, beautiful

ology (noun)

subject of study

sociology, psychology

ics (noun, singular)

subject of study

economics, politics

less (adjective)


useless, endless


makes an adverb from an adjective

sadly, happily


makes an abstract noun from an adjective

happiness, sadness


makes an adjective from a noun

sandy, sunny


He's a hard worker. He works 12 hours a day.
Her tennis is much better now that she has a new instructor.
She's a very good swimmer. She was in the Olympic team.
We've got a new gas cooker, so the food should be delicious!

Thanks for the information. It was very useful. What a beautiful photo. I think it will win the competition.
Studying sociology teaches you about society. Studying psychology teaches you about people.
Economics is the study of money and finance.
Although he is a very good Member of Parliament, he has never studied politics.
This book is no help at all - it's useless. I can't finish this book - it's endless.
He was late for work so he went quickly to the station. The little child danced happily across the grass.
The mother was smiling with happiness as she held her baby in her arms. They said goodbye with great sadness because they knew they would probably never meet again.
That beach is very popular with tourists because it is long and sandy. It's a lovely sunny day - let's go to the beach.

(səs: 1)
Şərhlər: 2
Baxılıb: 2 092
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