İngilis dili dərsləri (25. dərs)

Müəllif: Catwoman666
Şərhlər: 2
Baxılıb: 2 101
Səs ver:
(səs: 1)

What are you doing tomorrow?

am/is/are -ing (indiki davamedici) formasından indi baş verən hadisəni bildirmək üçün istifadə olunur:

  • 'Where are Sue and Caroline?' 'They're playing tennis in the park.'
  • Please be quiet. I'm working.

am/is/are -ing formasından həmçinin gələcək zamanı ifadə etmək üçün istifadə olunur (tomorrow / next week etc.):

  • Andrew is playing tennis tomorrow.
  • I'm not working next week.

I am doing something tomorrow = I have arranged to do it, I have a plan to do it:

  • Alice is going to the dentist on Friday. (= she has an appointment to see the dentist)
  • We're having a party next weekend.
  • Are you meeting Bill this evening?
  • What are you doing tomorrow evening?
  • I'm not going out tonight. I'm staying at home.

'I'm going to do something' formasından da istifadə etmək mümkündür:

İndiki zamandan gələcəyə aid planları ifadə etmək üçün istifadə etmək olmaz:

  • I'm staying at. home this evening. ('I stay' -- yox)
  • Are you going out tonight? ('Do you go' -- yox)
  • Ann isn't coming to the party next week. ('Ann doesn't come' -- yox)

Amma cədvəl, proqram hadisələri üçün, qatar, avtobus cədvəlləri üçün indiki zamandan istifadə olunur:

  • The train arrives at 7.30.
  • What time does the film finish?

Müqayisə edin:

present continuous — insanlar üçün:

  • I'm going to a concert tomorrow.
  • What time are you leaving?

present simple — cədvəl, proqram:

  • The concert starts at 7.30.
  • What time does your train leave ?

Qarışdırıla bilən sözlər

Oxşar səslənən:

quite! quiet!

  • This book is quite good. . .=. . bad -> quite good -> good
  • My bedroom is very quiet. = silent / no noise


  • A: Why do I always lose my keys!
  • B: Here they are. A: Oh, thank you!
    If you lose something, you do not know where it is / you can't find it.
  • These trousers are very loose, because they are too big.
    Loose means they are not tight.


  • Fell is from fall/fell/fallen
    Yesterday I fell and broke my arm.
  • Felt is from feel/felt/felt
    I felt ill yesterday, but I feel OK today.


  • This cooker costs £500. 
    The thing you cook on.
  • He is a very good cook.
    The person who cooks.

Oxşar və ya eyni mənalı sözlər:


If you lend something, you give it. 
If you borrow something, you get it.

  • Sam wants a bicycle: SAM: Will you lend me your bicycle? (= you give it to me for one day/an hour, etc)
  • Can I borrow your bicycle? (= I get it from you) RlTA: Yes, take it. SAM: Thanks.


  • The passport officer checked my passport. (= looked at it)
  • The mouse controls the computer. (= tells it what to do)

Digər qarışdırıla bilən sözlər:

  • In English the afternoon is from about 12 o'clock till 5 or 6 p.m.
  • The evening is from 5 or 6 p.m. until about 9 or 10 p.m.
  • After 9 or 10 p.m. it is the night.
  • They're waiting for the bus.

  • I hope I pass my exams. (= I really want to pass)
  • I have not studied; I expect I'll fail my exams. (= it's probable)
(səs: 1)
Şərhlər: 2
Baxılıb: 2 101
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